Off and Running

Off and Running

Off and running!! Last weekend I kicked off my racing season with a local 5k. With a 3.5 hr bike, a swim and a large helping of food at the Spaghetti Factory the day before, it really was more of a tempo than a race but regardless it is sure nice to know that my first...
On the Menu

On the Menu

I like routine. While some people thrive on variety, with a jam-packed schedule of Freeplay magazine, teaching, training and the Freeplay pups, a solid routine keeps me moving like a well-oiled machine. Unlike Smyth, one of my three greyhounds, I can eat the same...

Lazy Saturdays

I love Saturday’s! They are my lazy days! By anyone’s standards these days are far from lazy with a 4 hour bike ride and maybe even a swim every now and again.  With Monday through Friday being a rat race and Sunday a typically early morning run, Saturday...

Race with Grace

This morning I stumbled across this bracelet I won at IronGirl Lake Tahoe several years ago and decided to slip it on.  The bracelet reads “Race with Grace”. I always wished I could be one of those women who left it all out on the race course and still...

CIM 2014

A good part of my day today was spent at the finish line of the California International Marathon(CIM). Although I have been a spectator of this great event for many, many years the past 3 years, I have worked as an Elite Escort at the finish line. With CIM being a...