Where are you now?
Obviously everyone is different and their veins heal in different stages. I think I have been a patient person and I have never had the gift of patience in my life but here is what I have been up to the past 13 weeks.
From the initial diagnosis to beginning anti coagulation therapy, I kept everything pretty low key. That was REALLY Hard! I like to go gO GO! Most important to me was standing on two good feet! The simple joy of walking had been missing for so long. Even stepping out of bed in the morning had me cringe,so having two working legs was mandatory. I had already taken my “post” ironman break or so I thought- Little did I know that break would be MUCH longer than anticipated. I did easy spins on my trainer and long sets in the pool (without pushing off the wall) that maintained my crazy for about 2 weeks. I started power walking and continued power walking my way into the New Year. I wore thigh high ted hose every day for swelling (Gross!) I did have a repeat scan about three weeks after the initial diagnosis where I secretly was praying they would be gone but they were not. I did not get a clear scan until Mid January and could attempt running. It was very slow to start and very tentative.
This is not to say this is all easy fun or whatever what I pictured my year to be but what I am really sorting out. It is all about perspective. It is very hard too! (especially to this type A+ person) There are people in far worse shape then I or do not live through this so I am grateful.
Every race I planned for this year has been cancelled now L. Ironman will be there next yea r and the year after and I have plenty of time to continue my journey. This year has to be the year to really concentrate on my health and not creating a space for DVT and doing different things. Yep- I bought a mountain bike last weekend!!!!
The hardest unanswered question remains how did this happen? There are many theories but we may never know. My leg continues to improve but it is a work in progress. Compression socks are my new best friend.
I am now off blood thinners. They have awful side effects. One of the worst side effects is depression. It is real and ugly. I am released to ride outside and won’t bleed to death and don’t have to worry about falling. It feels so good to be outside.
So what’s the plan for the year?
Mentor a beginner for their first sprint triathlon
Engage with Tri Like a Girl and Folsom Bike Shop
Participate and volunteer at local races
Mountain biking
Continue training for Ironman next year including trying some new ones!
Continued health and swelling free legs?