After a few years of low snow levels and trails open year round for riding and running, Mother Nature decided to return home to Tahoe. I should be jumping for joy right? Actually I am now, but after the first few snow storms all I could think about is how am I supposed to train and be race ready come spring. After a few days of complaining about the white stuff that had taken over all our trails, I dug my cross country skis out of the basement, dusted them off and took up a new sport. A lesson would probably be good, right now I am self taught, but these long skinny skis with no edges have grown on me and become my new best friend, next to my lab Kuta who always accompanies me on the journey to become a good xc skier.
Like mountain biking and trail running it is just you and nature (at least where I live) and cross country skiing proved to be no different. It’s great exercise, tough on the muscles – easy on the joints and all you have to do is slide one ski in front of the other. Here’s to a winter of cross training, embracing winter, getting outdoors and learning a new sport!