As endurance athletes we are always on the go – squeezing in long runs and swims between work, errands and even your kid’s soccer practice. I call this the Art of the Endurance Sports Lifestyle. The key to making it all work smoothly is precise planning and organization. Having food prepped, bags packed and belongings neatly stowed away are instrumental in transitioning from one activity to another stress-free as well as ensuring you do not have to cut your workout short from running late. Making the commitment to getting and staying organized is a challenge but once you have mastered it you will wonder how you have ever functioned without it. You’ll soon realize that knowing exactly where everything is, having everything you need to get ready for work at the gym and having a clean and healthy lunch at your fingertips is worth the effort and the time it saves you in the “long run”.
And if you still need convincing Sherrie Bourg Carter, Psy.D., author of High Octane Women, stated that clutter can plays a significant role in how we feel. She further explains that lack of organization can leave women feeling anxious and overwhelmed and increase stress – none of which are conducive to getting a personal record in your next marathon or triathlon!
So before you sit down to plan your next training block and map out your 2015 race schedule get up and clean up. You will be ready to achieve your goals in a more energetic and efficient manner.
Top Picks for Getting Organized in 2015

Great place to stash your latest copy of Freeplay magazine until you are ready to dive in and read it!

Perfect for holding the La Crema wine you won at Vineman 70.3 last year!

Throw away the boring cardboard box and hide your favorite gels or bars in one of these stylish canisters.

The small baskets are the perfect size to store your extra goggles and swim caps and the large basket can hold up to a week’s worth of swim towels!