Old brick buildings, cobbled road ways and elegant canals create a picturesque atmosphere. I am always amazed by the fairytale like story the European landscape tells.
This Saturday I took in part of the European experience at a cute cycling themed café, called Peleton de Paris. I’m happy that coffee and cycling are universal. “ Doppio alsjeblieft ” I’m proud of the few Dutch words that I have learned, though I find myself saying ‘ spreekt u engels” (do you speak English?) more often than not. I’ll get there.
Six day racing has a long heritage in Europe. Berlin is currently the longest running six day having over 108 editions of the race. Bremen is the 8th longest running six day, this will be its 51st year. I’m excited to compete in my first derny race in Bremen next week. We don’t have derny racing in America, so it is a great opportunity to try something new. I love motor pacing on the track, derny racing will definitely be a natural fit.
Most of all, I am excited about being part of this racing heritage. Track racing has a unique culture, though it’s harder for outsiders to see first hand. For those unfamiliar with track racing: if you have the opportunity to experience the track I highly recommend that you do so. It is impossible to put the feeling into words of what an exhilarating sport track racing truly is.