I have been struggling with what to write for this race story. I wasn’t feeling 100% coming into the race, both my kids had a nasty stomach virus days before. I wasn’t completely sick like them, but I also wasn’t completely well. It was that horrible “Am I sick? Am I not?” limbo. I took a couple days off of training prior to the race and decided if I was throwing up race morning I wouldn’t race. I woke up that Sunday and wasn’t throwing up so I decided to race. Good times! I was actually super excited about so many of my friends, and teammates, racing that day that I was happy I’d be able to race. But not feeling 100% I wasn’t sure how well I would do. Here are my PROS and CONS of each leg.

I’m in the middle with the red wrist band
PRO – 2nd swim wave, not my usual “old people go last” wave.
CON – swim start was co-ed. Meaning a much more crowded swim.
PRO – Co-ed is great practice for my big race in September where I’ll be starting in a big group of strong swimmers.
PRO – There were little buoys & rope lines setup from crew (rowing) that helped me to the first distant buoy. Which was awesome because there was no seeing that distant yellow buoy with that bright rising yellow sun.
CON – There weren’t little buoys & rope lines from crew to follow after rounding that 2nd buoy to the distant unseeable 3rd and final buoy.
PRO – I soon spotted that distant unseeable 3rd yellow buoy and was swimming nice and straight towards it!
CON – That turned out to be a kayaker wearing yellow, and she wasn’t near the buoy. Actual buoy was off to the right so I had to swim back out to make my final turn to shore.
PRO – I again nailed the flying mount!
CON – I again didn’t nail the putting my shoes on after flying mount.
CON – Photographer right where I didn’t nail putting my shoes on.
PRO – Seeing friends out on the course helped me to continue to push strong.
PRO – Course was relatively flat. I really enjoyed being out there on my bike.
PRO – Really not any that I can think of. I didn’t pass out or die? I guess that’s always a bonus.
CON – My right calf cramped off the bike, loosened up before leaving transition but my quads almost seized up and I wasn’t sure I’d be able to run.
CON/PRO – I didn’t have a good run but I managed to keep moving forward.
PRO – Getting to the finish.
PRO – My daughter running with me.
PRO – My daughter putting the finisher’s medal around my neck.
CON – Disappointment in my overall time.
PRO – Still managed top step in my age group, and we don’t look a day over 30, am I right??
USA Productions always puts on great races and it was an amazing day of talented athletes out there giving their all. And even though I didn’t do as well as I had planned I look forward to the next race, and I am reminded of this quote that often comes to mind after each race I do…
May we have courage…