Sarah “Mac” Robinson Olympic Trials Qualifier
Sarah “Mac” Robinson is the Creative Director at Oiselle, a woman’s running apparel line that continues to grow, inspire, and rally for sweet community and friendship. This wildly competitive and fierce mom recently qualified for the 2016 Olympic Marathon Trials at the California International Marathon(CIM) in a time of 2:42.36. Her life is a balance between being a mom to 16 month old Penelope, a runner, friend, wife, teammate and, of course, working at Oiselle, a company she loves. Helping her on her 2016 Olympic Trials journey is Stephanie Rothstein Bruce. Bruce is also a professional runner for Oiselle and Hoka One One, mom to two boys, and co-founder of Picky Bars. When reflecting back on 2015 Sarah said, “…Running has been a bright light in an otherwise good-kind-of-hard year.”
What does a typical day of training look like for you?
There isn’t really a typical day of training between family time and my full time work. I coordinate one day a week to go into work early so I can do my workout during the daylight. I will get into work around 6am, run at 9am –11am then back to work. After PJ goes to bed, I’ll run another 4-5 miles alone or with a mom friend I met at PEPS. I only double this one day a week and the other days I get miles in during lunch or after PJ’s bedtime. I don’t lift, but do strides two times a week after an easy run and have been trying to do core for 15 minutes, 4x a week, usually while watching TV. I have become realistic about my life and training. My mileage never gets above 65 and up until September I was only training five days a week. Two full days off.
What key workout makes you feel race-ready?
Long runs with pace work inside. In my block before CIM there was one beastly workout that made me feel ready. It was a 22 mile run total. Warm up 2 miles, 2 miles at 6:13, 2 miles at 7:15… then a 4 mile cool down. I ran it alone on the shoulder of a busy road in the wind and cold and I felt unbreakable when it was over.
What is your favorite pre-race meal?
A good steak and big sweet potato or gluten-free pasta and meat sauce.
Describe a perfect recovery day. What do you love outside of running?
Perfect recovery day is simple! Hanging with Penelope. She’s almost a year and a half old and so much fun. Watching her encounter the world is the biggest joy.
What is your favorite race memory?
Hands down turning the last corner at CIM and knowing I was going to the Olympic Trials. I’ve let my heart be open and broken with this sport so many times, it felt redeeming.
You’re sponsored by Oiselle. What do you love about them?
When I boil it down it’s their authenticity. It’s exciting to be supported by a brand that truly loves the sport. And, to see that love build an incredible team. From the little group of people working with their whole hearts at HQ to the professional athletes breaking tape and lifting other women up through leadership and coaching to the Haute Volée eyeing podiums and working hard to the Volée building their own communities and finding a run family …it’s huge and personal all at once. It’s just completely inspiring to be swept up in on any level. And, since being part of the Haute Volée these past few weeks I’ve gotten to experience first hand the secret sauce of manager Kristin Metcalf. She is a huge reason why this team exists and is what it is today. She cares so much about each athlete and you feel it. It’s so human.
Interview by Lauren Jimison for Freeplay magazine.