My summer schedule is coming to an end so like any crazy endurance athlete I am busy sneaking in some last minute fun sessions before I transition to my fall schedule Monday.
As I sit here and write this I am zoning in and out – taking long pauses to watch the women’s volleyball match (which is really just a blank stare at the wall behind the TV). I am tired and as usual I have no one to blame but myself.
The last 24 hours have been jammed packed full of fun but not with traditional activities that “normal” people might partake such as concerts in the park or a picnic day at the lake. I am talking about sweat, dirt, and suffering – all components I deem necessary for a good time. Sometimes I think what is wrong with me; why don’t you just get an ice cream and relax for change but that’s just not who I am. And besides life is too short to just pick one sport…
So here is a glimpse of the last 24 hours. (Tuesday to Wednesday)
9:30am Accept an invitation to run at 5:30am on Wednesday morning.
10:00am Tennis Lessons.
3:00pm Drive to Truckee-Donner to mountain bike.
4:45pm Arrive early. Yes!! With 30 minutes to spare I could grab a soda in the lounge, mill around the shop, sit on the patio and enjoy nature….the options were endless. So what did I choose? An uphill trail run in bike shorts at altitude. Why? Still wondering that myself!
5:20pm Finish my run, grab my helmet and jersey and head over to meet the women from Tahoe Mountain Bike Like a Girl group.
5:30pm Hit the trails to ride.
7:15pm Return to the lodge. Awesome dusty and dirty ride with some amazing ladies!
7:30pm Accept an invitation for a road ride at 9am Wednesday morning then jump in the car to jam home. Luckily I had a nice long drive home to question my sanity!
With Women’s Team Gymnastics Finals and Michael Phelps 200 Butterfly on the night’s schedule I was looking to waste no time getting home. So that meant no stops for refreshments.
While driving I missed women’s vault and uneven bars but was looking good to make swimming finals and the second half of gymnastics but panic was starting to set in.
9:00pm Home! I jetted upstairs and settled in. Shower? No time…the Olympics are on! Luckily Sean had dinner ready so I was set. I was able to sit with my dirt covered sweaty legs for hours.
12:00am Shower time…finally.

Having some Olympic fun post-run! By my color choice it looks like I am representing Sweden!
12:30am Off to bed. Quick math indicated I was going to get a “solid” 4.5 hours of sleep before my morning run. Setting myself up my success is something I have yet to master. But maybe I will pick it up sometime in the next 40 years. 😉
5:30am 7 miles with my perky morning friends at a pace that my sleep deprived body did not agree with.
7:00am Shower, feed the dogs, make breakfast, walk the dogs…
8:30 Back into cycling gear!
9:00am Ride time! I clocked just over 2 hours on my road bike including a climb up Ridge Road where I was convinced my teammate Elise was trying to kill me! Did I mention that Elise is training for ITU AG Worlds next month and I have been riding 20 miles once a month?

Climbing Ridge Road with Elise! Go Team Freeplay!
By the time I hit Midas (again – I ran this road earlier this morning) I realized that it was the second time today I wondered if that road was ever going to end!
Shortly after that thought I chuckled to myself because given the chance to do it all over again I am 99% certain I would make the same choices!
While the last 24 hours have been a bit of a whirlwind I did have the opportunity to catch up with lots of friends, get some training in and practice some new skills. As for the rest of the day…I plan on doing a whole lot of nothing.
Looking forward to seeing what the next 24 hours will bring!